Wood Floor Singapore


Floor Maintenance Advice

While wood floor repair, installation and sanding strictly require hiring a professional team, wood floor care and maintenance are usually your daily or weekly task. That does not mean you do not need professional help. Wood Flooring created this special selection of floor maintenance advices, where you can find useful information and maintenance tips, which can improve your cleaning routine and wood floor’s condition. Our experts list the most common floor cleaning mistakes, how to prevent them and suggest great maintenance techniques, adaptive to every type of wood flooring.

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Have you ever wondered if it is possible to remove dry glue stains from your favourite wooden floor? Here we share an easy and effective method with you.

Solid wood is really not that hard to keep in perfect condition. All you need to do is having a protective maintenance approach, regular, but very simple cleaning routine and some more thorough cleaning process every now and then.

Flawless looking and sturdy wooden floors are a matter of maintenance and protection whole year round. Unfortunately, you have to take care of your floor even around Christmas season.

Although rustic wood floors are very on trend right now and many people go for them like crazy, there are still people that are really not that keen on the farmhouse look, but settle on this option because of the lower price.

Oiled finishes for wooden floors tick all the boxes – they give a beautiful effect and allow the genuine wood’s texture to stand out. Besides the natural look, they add extra protection and durability from inside and out.

Softwood, hardwood, newer or older wooden floors, each and every out of them can turn out to be a subject of issues and wood-boring insect infestation.

Preparing your wooden floors for the colder months is essential, because it will not only set your home in cosy and inviting atmosphere, but also help reduce the heating bills.

With every change of the season, you have to make sure you help your wooden floor acclimatise to the new conditions and make the transitioning from one season to another as less stressful for the floor as possible.

The humidity in your home may cause serious damages to your wooden flooring. In this article you will find information about what it may cause and some tips how to prevent and control it, in order to keep your floor stunning.

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